Saturday, September 26, 2009

Random shit that I typed to myself back in 2006.

I like my nose.

I hate my neck.

I think I have my mother's neck. I also have my mother's taste for alcohol. I get so angry at my parents because they play favorites and I know it is because I am a girl. But the moment I see them, I'm so full of love for them. I forget everything.

I am afraid I am going to be just like my grandmother so I take a lot of risks.

I remember this one time when I got arrested I asked the cop if they could train Chihuahuas to be drug dogs. The cop had told me, "sure, any dog could be a drug dog". I had laughed and said, "Yeah, they would probably be great coke-heads."

I wanted to be just like "her".

I hate talking to people who talk to people that I talk to now and tell them things I would have preferred never be repeated. Especially when those people never really knew me at all.

I used to like bell peppers until I saw one of my father's ex-girlfriends eating one like an apple. I wanted to puke.

I think my mother looked a bit like Ashley Judd.

My father has a thing for Ashley Judd.

I repeat things over and over in my head and sometimes I can't do anything else until I figure out why my recorder is stuck.

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