Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There is a house in New Orleans...

We got the keys to our home today. It was nerve wracking to watch Bryan sign all of those papers! The monthly payments are slightly higher than we had hoped for (what am I saying, they fucking suck!) but we can't complain.
As soon as we were able, we went straight to our house--our house!--and we all raced around it like we were crazed zoo animals on the loose. At one point, while trying to decide if we want one room or the other, I looked up. Don't ask me why, I just did. On the door jamb above the bathroom entryway there was a small piece of paper tacked to the jamb with clear tape. I stepped closer to read, "a key".
I called for Bryan and he looked at the strange little piece of paper too. Then he reached up and felt across the top of the jamb and lo-and-behold, a skeleton key! A myriad of images pummeled me giddy. Adventure, surprise, horror, mystery...what does this key unlock? We paced the house, trying to find the odd opening that matched the key. The only thing I could find that could even remotely be a possibility was the old milk door. The milk door is an opening with two doors, sort of like what a person sees when they do to the doctor and the doctor asks for a pee sample and there is a cabinet in which to set your pee? Well same concept. THe milk man would come and set milk inside. Then the person inside would retrieve the milk and set the empty bottles back inside.
But the key didn't work for the milk door (which was nailed shut anyway).
We finally gave up because we were distracted by yet another mystery: how to turn the basement light off. We decided that they key and the paper, were definitely going to stay exactly as is. We placed the key back where it was and who knows what will come of its secrets. Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. Right now, it sits in its bed of dust, made up of magic and pleasant fantasies its secrets still locked tight.
So about this light...try as we might, this light has no switch, no string, no nothing to turn it off. We had to unscrew the light-bulb to get it to turn off. Crazy, yeah? That "mystery" wore off in about one hour. That's a half-hour to investigate and search and another half-hour to discuss how crazy it is to have a light with no off switch.
The boys squealed and played, loving the echo from their voices. They were so excited but for some odd reason, it was just one of those evenings where I was so tired (and so was Bryan) that everything was starting to grate on my nerves. I wish I wasn't so grumpy but it was happening. The boys didn't care one iota. They played, laughed, squealed, and handled everything that they could in the house. There are these little doors in the closets upstairs that lead into crawlspaces. The boys and I have decided that this is where the "Other Mother" lives and they are very smart to avoid going inside one of those little doors! Fun stuff. It is kind of nice, thinking back on the situation. They will have good memories of the place.
Oh to have "roots". I believe I was born nomad. I am of nomad blood (Chickasaw) and of nomad descent. My own personal life has been full of moves and changes. I didn't know how to "unfurl". Settle in, kick my feet up, hang my hat...what was all that? I didn't know. I am slowly unfurling and doing just that. I can't wait to make plans, execute them and reap the rewards from them. To solidify this thing called life and start building a stable foundation for my sons who are truly some of the best kids on the planet if not in the entire universe! They try their best to help out, they are loving and kind, they are respectful (for the most part, they have their moments) and they try to work as hard as they play. They really do.
I am proud to say I am their mother.
We moved a few boxes already and tomorrow we plan on moving as much stuff as we can into the house. I am so excited, I have heartburn. I get a wonderful blessed feeling from this house. The seller left us little gifts all over the place: nice hand-towels, place-mats, kitchenware, carpets, a dryer, and curtains for every single window!
Oh I am so scared and so happy. I couldn't believe it.
Another life altering event happened on top of this. My divorce was granted. I got word from my ex-husband, of all people, who got word from one of his family members. I can't help but feel completely renewed. There is some cleansing that has gone on. I don't know what I did to deserve all the good things that have come my way but I am thankful. Oh-so thankful. I don't keep it a secret that I don't believe in "God" but I have to say that in regards to a deity that has done me well is the tough-love deity of Saturn. Do I worship Saturn? No. But that's the name I give "it".
"It" is not a person, nor an entity. It is not deity nor being. "It" just "is". We buzz with it daily. It is difficult to explain what I mean. I could go off on a tangent but I won't. You'd just get bored or think I'm nuts. Which is okay, because I am. But to bore you? I would be completely aghast.
Here we are, at the end of the day, the end of the month, and the beginning of change. October 28th is Bryan and I's anniversary and this year, we have reason to celebrate. My life has improved tenfold with him in it.
Oh my brain is tired.
My friend Lena is going to see the doctor on Friday. I hope things fair well. Her dementia is getting worse but I am sure things will work out as they should.
With that said, I think I am at the end.
My oldest boy did all of his homework and he deserves "Fun Friday" at school as much if not more than other kids. He works so hard and I am so proud of him! YAY! I love you Punk.

To you, blog-lurker, thanks for reading my shit. Wear a smile.


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